Monday, June 10, 2013

June 10 Picks

Yesterday was a good day.  Up 6 Units on the day.  Those are the type of days I want to continue.  Here are the plays I am doing today.  I may add one or two more later.

Brewers -118 1.5 Units
 - I just have the hunch that Milwaukee and Gallardo will have a good game tonight.  Nolasco has a 7.71 ERA vs. Milwaukee in his career and doesn't pitch well at home or at night compared to road/day. 

Rays -130 1.5 Units
 - I hate betting against the Red Sox but this is a situation where the numbers just tell me to go Rays.  Cobb is the main reason.  He is very good at home where he is 4-0 with a 1.91 ERA.  He has had success against Boston in his career.  Lackey has been good this year but has a 7.27 ERA on turf and is much better at home.

Tigers -140 2 Units
 - Detroit has been hot and should be able to beat KC today.  I just like the pitching matchup.

Mariners -240 4 Units
 - Hisashi Iwakuma has been the best pitcher in all of baseball and sports a 1.08 ERA at home.  And he's facing the Astros.  Lots of juice but I still want to bet it.  If you are worried that Seattle won't score runs then play the under as well.

LA Dodgers -173 3 Units
 - Kershaw hasn't pitched all that great lately but he has great stats against the D-Backs.  Wade Miley has not been pitching well.

Good Luck all,  Jonny

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